Month: December 2015

What I Wore (Week #15)

Happy New Year, everyone! I just wanted to start this post by saying this year has been a pivotal one in my life. I have spent many years putting many of my wants and desires on the back burner (for many reasons, that I do not need to dramatize here),

What I Wore (Week #14)

Merry Christmas, Everyone! Just a few days left until Santa comes sliding down that chimney, and I don’t know about you, but at this point, I’m feeling more overwhelmed about everything that still needs to be done, rather than enjoying the true meaning of the holiday season. However, this weekend,

Ugly Christmas Sweater Season

It’s that time of the year again! Ugly Christmas Sweaters are back, and they’re ready to be worn at your next Christmas Party, work or school function, or just out and about, checking off your holiday “To Do” list. The best part about this fairly new tradition is that it’s

What I Wore (Week 12-13)

It’s one more Sunday closer to the holidays, and I wish I could say that it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, but here in upstate New York it’s hard to believe that we’re almost halfway through the month, without a single snowflake to grace the presence of Decemberrrrr!

Festive Fashion for the Ladies and Gents

Happy Holidays, Everyone! Boy does it feel good to be back! Guiltiness has been weighing me down this entire week, because I have not posted since last Saturday, but now that I’m recuperating from whatever it was I caught-I feel a little more revived and ready to get “the most wonderful

Creating a Cinderella Story

‘Tis the season for giving! Now that the holiday spirit is in the air, I wanted to share with you a campaign that I started to piece together about a month ago, to officially launch this week. As many of you may know, I am a high school teacher by

Eclectic Pieces For The Perfect Winter Wardrobe

Happy Holidays, Everyone! With the welcome of Decemberrrr, I decided that every mid-week post this month will be dedicated to the holiday season that is now amongst us. The idea to write about the perfect pieces of clothing that we all need for these chilly winter months came to me

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Relentlessly real

⚡️La Audacia de Aquiles⚡️

"El Mundo Visible es Sólo un Pretexto" / "The Visible World is Just a Pretext".-


There are so many reasons to be happy

Pattern$ oF R@nD0mNEsS

However random it might seem, everything in this world has a pattern

Kate Escapes The Ordinary

Escaping ordinary life and living a new adventure each day


"Everyone Thinks Changing The World,But No One Thinks Of Changing Himself" >- Dilkash Shayari- Sagar

Helen of Troy Fashion

a personal style blog, DIY fashion and more


Making Everyday Life More Stylish, Colorful, and Delightful

Fashion's My Favorite Subject

"Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening." -Coco Chanel